
President’s Greeting

Leveraging state-of-the-art technology, Suehiro delivers value-added quality products that nobody else can replicate.

Since our establishment in 1964, Suehiro has been developing original technology to produce shafts and other precision machinery components. To deliver original quality products that nobody else can replicate is our company’s mission and it is also my personal philosophy as an engineer.

Integrating the nature of the raw material with state-of-the-art technology is our driving vision.  Suehiro has spent 40 years providing quality products made of a variety of metals, engineered plastics, resins, and other advanced compound materials.  We have expanded our areas of expertise and believe that there will be more areas to develop and roles that we can play in the future.

We are determined to keep pursuing innovation, meeting the increasing demands of compliance and making contributions to society.  We sincerely appreciate your continuous support.

Management Principles

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  • President’s Greeting
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